September 8, 2008


Is cutting my hair tomorrow. Now, I am a nut and I think I do drive her crazy but she would never admit it cause I start with the emails..."I want something different" or "How would I look like with Black hair"...and she is always so nice about it. She says "Helena, with black hair you would look like a ghost!" or "Helena, what do you want different" and I know myself cause of how round my face is I just can't go super short, althought it would probably make my hair super managable...but this time I told her lets do shoulder length with tons of layers and bangs...Ok...bangs are big for me cause I have naturally curly, frizzy, wavy hair but I have to get out of the horrible habit of always putting my hair in a clip. So, I firgured sholder length would do me ok, and the bangs will give me a different look. So, I will bring my camera tomorrow night to see how my new sholder length hair will look...

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