September 29, 2008

Last night...

My husband had his monthly cravings...I like to call it "His Man Period". I was sitting on the computer and he goes "I have to have Strawberry Short Cake". Now, anyone that knows my hubby knows he can't stand sweets, hates cakes, cookies, dough nuts, the whole nine yards. But once a month I find Reese's in the freezer for a few hours and all the cookies gone! So, we go over to Marazzo's and he finds the cake, and while in line, he grabs 2 Mr. Good Bar's and a bag of Reese's Peanut butter cups! So, he had his cake, and now he is satisfied. It usually lasts about a day or two! Does this happen to any body else's hubbies once a month? I swear men get their period too!

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